Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday-horses day off

All the horses went out in the paddocks early because of the heat. We used fly masks for the first time this season. When they came in they all got a bath. They were very happy standing in front of their fans.

My neice Jessica and her friend Dudley came to the farm to visit and brought their dogs. The barn cats all went into hiding. Huckleberry (Dudley's dog) made a real game out of chasing the cats and was in the "Dog House" because of it.

Della is going to Fair Hill training center tomorrow to continue training as a race horse. Mimi is coming home to get a break and Mandy is probably going to race this week.


  1. Hi Aunt Candy! I'm the first to comment on your blog! Dudley and I had such a great time this weekend. Thank you SO much for having us! Huckleberry had an especially wonderful time -- cats and all. Next time he has to stay home so that I can see Pickle!

  2. You have a beautiful farm. Saw the pics on Jessica's blog. Love your horses.
